Friday, October 16, 2015

Re: [MFP] Who is offering digital financial services in India?


Dear Malcom,

Yes. The Sub-K offers these services in India for banks. They have reached many customers and are also facilitating the No Frill Account opening of the customers. They also have set up the transaction point at the rural area/villages where the customer finds it easy to transact in their bank account.

It operates on Wallet basis for the transaction point. while the accounts of customers gets updated from various transaction points at regular interval during the day. the deposit and withdrawal facility is available for customers at these transaction point/s.

The Sub-K and banks find it difficult to justify on commercials as the no of transactions and the balances maintained in these accounts does not make enough commercial sense for the bank. While on other side, the Sub-K finds commercially tough to provide the services, maintain transaction point viability, move away from support cost (much needed) and to position this as a viable business engagement for the village level (BC point) 

Many BC points did express their inability to provide services on account of following:
1. Initial investment by them for Handhelds and wallet money
2. Commissions are based on no of transactions and they do not move on field as they are located in a place where max footfall is expected.
3. Difficult to maintain wallet and cash at counters.
4. Very low transactions as village economy is still cash economy.

Anand Naik

Anand Naik

On Saturday, 10 October 2015 10:58 AM, "Sabina Rogers [MicrofinancePractice]" <> wrote:

Good evening!
I am conducting a very unscientific poll, trying to figure out how many (and which) MFIs in India are offering digital financial services. I'm talking mobile money: payments, ewallet, etc.
Thank you, everyone, in advance.
Sabina ROGERS| Communications and Relationship Manager
1101 15th Street NW | Suite 1200 | Washington, DC 20005 
Ph : +1.202.637.9600 ext 128 | Fax: +1.202.466.1396 | Skype: jayaichyou | E:
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