Thursday, January 31, 2013

[MFP] Microinsurance: 1 billion covered by 2020


Enclosed the Microinsurance Network new year press release detailing key factors in the sustainable growth of the sector and announcing the Network becoming an independent entity.
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Best wishes,

The Microinsurance Network Team
Annalisa Bianchessi; Communication Coordinator; Tel.:+352/456868 59; Fax.:+352/456868 68
Microinsurance Network; 2, rue Sainte Zithe; L-2763 Luxembourg; G.-D. de Luxembourg;

Microinsurance: 1 billion covered by 2020
The microinsurance sector, which has shown a rapid growth over the last 10 years, is expected to double by 2020, as governments, insurance companies and providers worldwide broaden the geographic scope and range of insurance services available to low-income people. "Microinsurance, which currently provides coverage to 500 million people, could pass the 1 billion mark by the end of the decade," says Craig Churchill, Chair of the Microinsurance Network and Head of the ILO's Microinsurance Innovation Facility.
With this rapid expansion, the Microinsurance Network – an exchange and learning platform for microinsurance since 2002 – acquired its own institutional legal status in May 2012. "Becoming independent enables the Network to assume a greater leadership role in the sector, serving its mission of promoting the development and delivery of effective insurance services for low-income people," explains the Network's Executive Director VĂ©ronique Faber. Since its inception the Network has benefitted from the support of its diverse membership, the German Development Cooperation (BMZ), and particularly the Luxembourgish government which has assumed an increasingly important role in the global microinsurance sector.
In many developing countries, microinsurance providers are playing an important role in increasing resilience of low-income people to daily and catastrophic risks such as crop failure, illness and impact from climate change. "The expansion of the sector is being facilitated by the emergence of alternative distribution channels and public-private partnerships, the adoption of technological innovations as well as an increased awareness amongst insurance companies of the business case for microinsurance," says Eugenio Velasques from Bradesco Seguros e PrevidĂȘncia, one of the leading insurance companies in Brazil. Furthermore, the development of appropriate insurance regulations and setting of standards measuring impact and client value, are playing a key role in achieving long term sustainability of the sector.
So what can policymakers, insurers and providers expect from the Microinsurance Network in 2013?
"The Network will be focussing on its four strategic outcomes: Increased supply, improved client value, conducive environment and enabling infrastructure," explains Ms Faber. Amongst other initiatives, this will entail the drafting of guidelines for agricultural microinsurance schemes and the compilation of lessons from health microinsurance. The Network will also be reporting on sector trends through an interactive website, publications and events, and the 9th International Microinsurance Conference to be held in Indonesia 12-14 November 2013.
If your organisation is interested in joining the Microinsurance Network, learning more about its work and staying informed of new publications and events, please write to
The Microinsurance Network, an independent non-profit organisation based in Luxembourg, is a global multi-stakeholder platform for individuals and organisations involved in microinsurance. Its mission is to promote the development and delivery of effective insurance services for low-income people by encouraging shared learning, facilitating knowledge generation and dissemination, and providing a global multi-stakeholder platform.
Microinsurance Network
2, rue St Zithe; L-2763 Luxembourg;
Tel: +352 45 68 68 59; Fax: +352 45 68 68 68;
For further information please contact:

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

[MFP] MLK and microfinance - "A Single Garment of Destiny"


Last week, the United States celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. Larry Reed, director of the Microcredit Summit Campaign, reflected on how Dr. King’s words are relevant to the microfinance industry today.

“Dr. King talked about the great advance that humankind has made in science and technology, but then he contrasted that with another important aspect of humanity that had not seen the same measure of progress. ‘In spite of these spectacular strides in science and technology, and still unlimited ones to come, something basic is missing. There is a sort of poverty of the spirit which stands in glaring contrast to our scientific and technological abundance. The richer we have become materially, the poorer we have become morally and spiritually.’

In some ways, Dr. King’s descriptions of scientific progress in 1964 accurately describe the field of microfinance after years of rapid and unchecked growth…” Read more.


Sabina ROGERS | Communications and Relationships Manager


P: +1.202.637.9600 x 128 | F: +1.202.466.1396 | S: jayaichyou | E:

1730 Rhode Island Ave., NW | Suite 400 | Washington, DC 20036 |

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

[MFP] CGAP Newsflash: Smart Campaign Launches Client Protection Certification Program


CGAP Newsflash: Smart Campaign Launches Client Protection Certification Program

The Smart Campaign launched the Client Protection Certification Program, an independent, third party evaluation to publicly recognize financial institutions that meet adequate standards of care in how they treat clients. It enables financial institutions to demonstrate adherence to the microfinance industry's Client Protection Principles. In conjunction with the launch, the first "Client Protection Certified" institutions have been announced. More information is available here.

As co-founder of the Smart Campaign, CGAP has been closely involved in the development of the Certification Program and sees it as an important tool for investors. By supporting partners to prepare for and undergo certification, investors can create the right incentives and contribute to a more responsible and stable microfinance industry.



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[MFP] New paper: Value-added services in health microinsurance


The ILO's Microinsurance Innovation Facility has published a new paper on health microinsurance. Please feel free to post it on your website and share the paper with your organization and partners.

Value-added services in health microinsurance
John Pott and Jeanna Holtz, Microinsurance Paper n°19, ILO, 2013

Value-added services are an increasingly important component of health microinsurance. Though evidence on their impact is limited, they demonstrate potential to increase demand and improve health outcomes. This paper provides an overview of current developments, highlights the experiences of those already providing them, and points to the potential they hold.

Download the paper:

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Monday, January 28, 2013

[MFP] Great discussion at a fun location next week (2/5, 3-5PM, Busboys and Poets)


You are cordially invited to join the Microcredit Summit Campaign for our launch event of Vulnerability: The State of the Microcredit Summit Campaign Report, 2013. Join us on Tuesday, February 5th from 3 to 5 PM at Busboys and Poets (14th & V St, NW) in Washington, D.C. Please RSVP online.

Questions? Contact Sabina Rogers (rogers[at]microcreditsummit[dot]org).

The panel will discuss the latest figures presented in the 2013 Report on outreach to poor and poorest clients around the world, which we will reveal are lower this year than in 2011. They will address why the numbers are lower, what clients need, and how organizations are meeting those needs (or not).

Confirmed panelists:

  1. Susy Chestonmoderator (Senior Advisor, the Center for Financial Inclusion at ACCION)
  2. Wendy Abt (Deputy Assistant Adminstrator, USAID)
  3. Alexia Latortue (Deputy CEO, CGAP)
  4. David Roodman (Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development)
  5. Larry Reed (Director, Microcredit Summit Campaign)

The State of the Microcredit Summit Campaign Report highlights the latest data on the progress towards reaching more than 175 million of the poorest families with microfinance and ensuring that 100 million of those families rise out of poverty. This report is the largest and most comprehensive annual survey on the outreach of microfinance to the poor and very poor.



Sabina ROGERS| Communications and Relationship Manager


1730 Rhode Island Ave NW | Suite 400 | Washington, DC 20036 

Ph : +1.202.637.9600 ext 128 | Fax: +1.202.466.1396 | Skype: jayaichyou | E:

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[MFP] Client Protection Certification Launched with Promising Early Support



The Smart Campaign is very pleased to announce the launch of the Client Protection Certification Program. The program, aimed at retail financial institutions, has been in development for several years and allows institutions for the first time to publicly demonstrate their commitment to keeping clients at the heart of their work. You can read the full press release of the launch [] and a list of the first Certified organizations here []

The Campaign is encouraged by the early support and enthusiasm for the Certification Program, in particular from the Microfinance CEO Working Group. The members of the Microfinance CEO Working Group have just released a statement announcing their strong support for certification, which can be found here []

In the statement, the members outline the importance of the certification program for the industry at large, calling it a "public good" that will help MFIs "keep clients at the center of their work." The members call on other stakeholders in the industry to support the certification program. The Microfinance CEO Working Group comprises the leaders of Accion, FINCA International, Freedom from Hunger, Grameen Foundation USA, Opportunity International, Pro Mujer, VisionFund International, and Women's World Banking.

If you would like more information about the certification program, please visit the Smart Campaign website or contact me, Alexandra Rizzi

Thank you for your attention,


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