Microfinance and Mobile Banking: Blurring the Lines?
Michel Hanouch and Sarah Rotman
20 August 2013
To date, MFIs successful in using m-banking for their operations are located in mature markets where the mobile and agent infrastructures are already in place and where customers have experience with viable mobile payments solutions. The benefits of m-banking services to MFIs largely depend on the success of the existing m-banking service itself: in markets where m-banking is strong, MFIs and their customers can more easily benefit.
Lessons Learned from the Moroccan Crisis
Nadine Chehade, Alice Negre
06 August 2013
For a decade, the Moroccan microcredit sector was a rising star, boasting top-performing institutions enthusiastically supported by local and international funders. The Moroccan portfolio grew 10-fold between 2003 and 2007, becoming the largest in the Middle East and North Africa. But by December 2009, credit risk soared. The Central Bank acted swiftly to help correct course, avert contagion and restore confidence.
Implementing Consumer Protection
Denise Dias
06 August 2013
This technical guide highlights key areas where bank supervisors can improve consumer protection.
A Microcredit Crisis Averted: The Case of Bangladesh
Greg Chen, Stuart Rutherford
30 July 2013
After years of strong growth, the microfinance industry in Bangladesh was on the verge of a sharp change in direction until the big four MFIs began to cut back on branches and staff in 2008.
Microcredit Interest Rates and Their Determinants
Richard Rosenberg, Scott Gaul, William Ford, Olga Tomilova
16 July 2013
This research from CGAP , KfW and MIX shows that microcredit interest rates dropped 2.7% from 2004-2011, then levelled off. Operating costs of microfinance institutions remain the largest determinant of microcredit interest rates.
Financial Access 2012: Getting to a More Complete Picture
Oya Pinar Ardic, Kathryn Imboden
09 July 2013
Financial Access 2012 is based on the data from the International Monetary Fund's Financial Access Survey and assess the state of financial inclusion globally. This edition of the report shows a clear - albeit nascent - recovery from the financial crisis, with both growth rates of deposit and loan penetration picking up strongly in 2011.
Where Do Impact Investing and Microfinance Meet?
Mayada El-Zoghbi and Henry Gonzalez
03 June 2013
Though the term "impact investing" was first coined in 2007, the activity has existed for decades. The sector has gained momentum in both developed and developing countries in recent years. This brief analyzes how much impact investment is directed toward microfinance as well as the sources of funding.
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