Wednesday, October 9, 2013

[MFP] Access to Justice for the Poor & Hague Institute Contest


Dear Colleagues,

The Global Alliance for Legal Aid (GALA) supports access to legal aid for the poor on human rights, consumer rights, and environmental protection issues.  GALA works with local lawyers and fundraises for their legal cases by selling fair trade products from the country where access to justice is needed.  It will also start crowd sourcing funding by the end of the year.

GALA is a brand new, non profit initiative which has thus far funded an anti land grabbing initiative, and it is now working on a large legal action on behalf of poor consumers in Uganda who were tricked into 'investing' in what they thought was a micro finance institution.  In reality, it was a pyramid scheme called  Caring for Orphans, Widows and the Elderly (COWE).    The scam netted the thieves at least $7m USD.   No prosecutions were ever brought following the fraud, and GALA is now seeking justice and the establishment of a victims' compensation fund.

GALA's Uganda partner in this case is head of the business law faculty at Makerere University, and has been a former legal counsel to a big international MFI.  We also have pro bono assistance from a large London law firm, specialized in asset tracing and financial crimes (which represented some of Bernie Madoff's victims). 

I am writing now to ask for your help and e-vote because GALA has been shortlisted for the Dutch Tulip Prize for new, innovative human rights organizations.  

Part of the selection process for the prize is based on an online vote.

Thus, please vote showing your support of GALA and concern for access to justice for microfinance clients.

Once you vote, a confirmation email is sent to your email address.  Here's the link:

Thanks in advance for your help!   And, we will keep you apprised of how our Ugandan case goes.


Jami Solli

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