Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Re: [MFP] Isn't this obvious?


Indeed, it is odd that 'client-centricity' (what a ghastly neo-logism, maybe we should call it 'decent marketing') is the latest new microfinance buzz word. 
But the whole aid world from which microfinance has emerged is pretty odd, it's never clear whether the 'client' is the donor agency to whom 'we' are selling the project or the poor person who is meant to benefit from it.  Usually it's the agency.
And microfinance inhabits the awkward middle ground between doing good and doing well, 'social enterprise' is the buzz word for that.
Most do-gooders studied the social sciences, most do-wellers studied business (whatever science that is).  The middle ground is confusing, often hypocritical, but maybe something useful will emerge. Insh'allah.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 5:57 PM
Subject: [MFP] Isn't this obvious?


What I can't understand is why "Client-centricity is the latest buzz word in financial inclusion." It sounds like some recent revelation that MFIs should listen to what their clients want. It seems this should have been very obvious from the beginning of the history of microfinance. It seems obvious that products should be designed based on client's needs not what the institution thinks they need.
Mahlon Barash
 Lima, Peru

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