Monday, October 26, 2020

RE: [MFP] MFP is completely coming to an end tomorrow


Hi Paul, Colleagues,


There's an ongoing conversation (offline) regarding getting the archives up on a site for reference purposes.  In order to not duplicate these efforts, and to involve all those interested in doing the archiving, let's pick up this idea again in January 2021, due to a request from another interested party.


I'll make a pitch here once again for all to join the newly formed MicrofinancePractice group at google groups.  You should have received an email with instructions of how to do so last week, but if you've lost it or didn't receive it, let me know by replying to my personal email account, and I'll add you directly.  You can also avoid emailing me by adding yourself by going to:!forum/microfinance-practice


There are 93 members so far on the googlegroups version of MFP.  All are invited to join.  In the next couple of days (unless someone else beats me to it) I'll summarize an interesting webinar on the future of microfinance that some of you may have listened to.  I'd be interested to read your opinions of what was discussed.



Howard Brady


From: []
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: [MFP] MFP is completely coming to an end tomorrow





Your idea of creating an archive for the microfinance practice posts is invaluable.  It is the best history of the evolution of our field over the decades.  What a saga this has been.




-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Rippey <>
To: MicrofinancePractice <>
Cc: [MicrofinancePractice] <>
Sent: Mon, Oct 26, 2020 6:11 pm
Subject: Re: [MFP] MFP is completely coming to an end tomorrow

Dear All,


I run a website called I would be honored to create a page called MicroFinance Practice Archives, or something like that. I could either just make it a static page, or I could put it up as a blog so that people could comment on the posts and other comments. 


I'd be delighted to do that, and would not inject any of my own hairbrained ideas into the archive - just keep it there. 


Let me know if someone with the materials would like to do that. It would cost me nothing other than some time, and I'm happy to put in the time.


Paul Rippey 


On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 5:24 PM, "Reynaldo Cancio [MicrofinancePractice]" <> wrote:


I join the others in thanking you for setting up this group Chuck and Howard! 


Yes, this is happening to all Yahoogroups, so I guess inevitable. Happy to migrate to wherever the group decides to move.


I joined in 2007 and have kept an archive as well, but no idea yet how to share it.






On Tue, 27 Oct 2020 at 4:52, [MicrofinancePractice]


Hi Colleagues,
Here is my last attempt to change the paradigm Simple idea start with the ideas villagers and immigrants have honed over the generations to save money and use their savings.. 
Your thoughts before the site goes dark?

-----Original Message-----
From: MALCOLM HARPER [MicrofinancePractice] <>
Sent: Sun, Oct 25, 2020 10:56 am
Subject: Re: [MFP] MFP is completely coming to an end tomorrow

  Thank you Bill, and Howard and all, websites I suppose do have to end, just like institutions, and people themselves too, so it's been a good 19 years...

------ Original Message ------
From: "William Maddocks [MicrofinancePractice]" <>
To: "MicrofinancePractice" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 14 Oct, 20 At 14:23
Subject: Re: [MFP] MFP is completely coming to an end tomorrow

Thanks Chuck and Howard for setting this up so long ago and moderating it for so many years. I've learned a lot here even if I have been mostly quiet. It did give me a great platform to promote our MDI and SMDP workshops for many years and the depth of discussion and sharing were valuable..
For everyone: Please no matter where you are, work against the rising global tide of facism and vote the bastards out while we still have the opportunity!
Wishing everyone peace and good health.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 8:00 AM Chuck Waterfield [MicrofinancePractice] <> wrote:

Hi all,

Howard and I set up this email group on Yahoo on 1 May 2001, over 19 years ago. We have 2,656 members. In the past, there was a large amount of discussion on this group, but for various reasons, it currently has little activity.

I just got notice that Yahoo is closing down the email group service tomorrow. They gave not even a week's notice. As of tomorrow, your emails will be returned as unsinkable.

So this is it…. Any discussions will now have to take place on other services you've migrated to. I'm certainly not going to go to the effort of setting up a new group and managing memberships when there is so little activity on the current group.

It has certainly been an interesting (and tumultuous) 19 years. Lots of differing views on the changes that happened in so short a time. Discussions of those views will now need to take place in other venues.

Regards to all,

Chuck Waterfield
MFP Founder
And yes… .it's 7am, I need to head out and milk my goats. They are wondering where I am.

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Posted by: "Howard Brady" <>
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