Hi everyone.
—Emilenn Kate D.S. Sacdalan-Pateño ("Dimples")Chief Executive Officer, SEDPI+63 918 2741975dimples.sacdalan@sedpi.comSent from Yahoo Mail for iPhoneOn Monday, April 20, 2020, 3:13 AM, MALCOLM HARPER malcolm.harper@btinternet.com [MicrofinancePractice] <MicrofinancePractice@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Thanks Srini, I read awful things about the impact of 'corona' on poorer people in India, not of the disease itself (1 death and 60 cases in Odisha as of yesterday) but of the 'lock-down, and resulting homelessness, mass migration, and so on.Maybe it's media exaggeration, and some at least of the families of 'our' children in Odisha (www.orissa.org.uk) who have been sent 'home' (whatever that is) by government order are receiving food from government and NGOs, but I look forward to learning how MFIs are helping, and can also themselves survive in the longer term.MalcolmOn Sunday, 19 April 2020, 07:13:58 BST, shrin54@yahoo.co.in [MicrofinancePractice] <microfinancepractice@yahoogroups.com> wrote:Dear friends,Almost all lenders in India have offered moratorium on EMIs from mf borrowers. The central bank led this initiative with early guidelines soon after lockdown was announced. But there are other existential problems for both borrowers and MFIs. Since we are starting the discussions on MFP, I will write about them over the next few days.Keep safe.Best regardsSrinivasanOn 19 Apr 2020 01:13, "'Howard Brady' hbrady@mfiresources.org [MicrofinancePractice]" <MicrofinancePractice@yahoogroups.com> wrote:Hi Colleagues,
Since we're all in this together, I hope many of you would be willing to share with your colleagues what portfolio at risk rates you're seeing as worldwide governments have shut down non-essential businesses which probably include many of our microentrepreneur clients/borrowers. Certainly you could share more, but perhaps what PAR was December 31, 2019 then at March 31, 2020. If you're shy, or perhaps not authorized to share this information with your institution attached to it, you could send me a private message (don't reply to this one, create a new one with my email, hbrady@mfiresources.org) with your country (and city if you'd like) with the information that would be useful for the group and I'll keep you anonymous.
It's been a quite a long time since we've had a healthy exchange here, and now that we're in the pandemic time, I hope several of you will contribute.
Posted by: =?UTF-8?Q?Dimples_Sacdalan-Pate=C3=B1o?= <emilennkate@yahoo.com>
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