Wednesday, February 22, 2017

[MFP] How Can MFIs Act as Agents?



NEW YORK, NY, February, 22, 2017. UNCDF's MicroLead program team is proud to introduce its second digital finance toolkit: Be an Agent. The toolkit is part of MicroLead and The MasterCard Foundation's series, "How to Succeed in Your Digital Journey: A Series of Toolkits for Financial Service Providers. The first toolkit, Use Mobile as a Tool, was released November, 2016. Both toolkits are available in French and English.

Mobile banking offers the opportunity to reach the "last mile" of unserved populations in remote rural areas at low cost. However, there are a myriad of mobile banking and digital finance models. Which is best for the FSP and its clients?

Becoming an agent is one of the simpler methods FSPs can utilize. In this model, the FSP acts as an agent for a digital financial service provider (often an MNO) and offers the provider's products and services through the FSP's own branch network.

With this toolkit, FSP managers access a step-by-step roadmap to successfully apply this agent model. "Like our first toolkit, Be an Agent includes an action plan, a budget template, a list of key performance indicators, a risk mapping exercise, a self-assessment grid, a case study, and more," says Pam Eser, the Global Head of MicroLead.

Digital finance offers a solution for the poor living in remote rural areas, where microfinance and bank branches can be hard to find. "The rural poor face logistical barriers to saving for emergencies and investments and for accessing a suitable range of formal financial services," says Ms. Eser. "MFI managers are coming to understand they can surmount these barriers by offering digital financial services, but they may not know where to begin. That's why we created these toolkits as step-by-step guides, so FSP managers not only understand their choices, but how to implement them."

A total of six toolkits, sponsored by The MasterCard Foundation and developed with support from PHB Development, are being released through June 2017. The goals of this series of toolkits are to (i) help financial institutions identify financially sustainable DFS business lines that fit their needs; (ii) provide practical tools that financial institutions can use in their journey towards digital finance; and (iii) share learnings from the DFS experiences of MicroLead partners and other financial institutions. You can download the latest toolkit, Be an Agent, and its associated case study here:

If you missed the first case study, Use Mobile as a Tool, you can download it here:


For more information on the MicroLead programme, please visit  Follow UNCDF MicroLead at @UNCDFMicroLead.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

[MFP] NEW Savings Revolution


The website that I edit, Savings Revolution ( is an independent resource for people working with Savings Groups, that is, time-bound distributing ASCAs (also called VSLAs, SILC groups, AVECs, CBSGs, and dozens of other names). 

The site has been running for seven years now, and many people have learned many things reading the hundreds of blog posts. We try to avoid "alternative facts" and we have a strong preference for evidence based reporting, but we have plenty of opinion too, and it's clear which is which. I hope.

After a long process we have redone the look and functioning of the site completely. Seven years is an eternity on the web, and it was time to make it look better, function better, and - especially - make it mobile friendly. I think we succeeded, and if you have some interest in Savings Groups, I invite you to check it out

I'd love to hear what you think, and what could be done better. 

Paul Rippey


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Re: [MFP] Digest Number 3965


SMDP South Africa
March 27 to April 7, 2017

The UNH Carsey School of Public Policy in partnership with VSL Associates and SaveAct will offer the Sustainable Microfinance and Development Program South Africa, a special two-week workshop devoted to Savings Groups in
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. 


The course will provide participants with the latest tools necessary to design, implement, track, and supervise the extent and quality of outreach. For this reason it is very much hands-on and involves a mixture of classroom lectures, simulations, and field visits to successful SaveAct savings groups that have been running for several years.

MasterCard Foundation Microfinance Scholarships Available

Scholarship Application Deadline:
February 17, 2017
Regular Application Deadline: March 6, 2017

On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 9:02 PM, <> wrote:

1 Message

Digest #3965
Re: Assessment of Microfinance services impact by "Tewabe Wudineh" tewabeaysheshim


Tue Feb 7, 2017 6:29 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Tewabe Wudineh" tewabeaysheshim

Hello all,Any update on the recent development related to comprehensive impact assessment(IA) to microfinance services?Resources in terms of tools used and available experts are welcome.Many thanks,Tewabe Aysheshim


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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Re: [MFP] Assessment of Microfinance services impact


Hello all,
Any update on the recent development related to comprehensive impact assessment(IA) to microfinance services?
Resources in terms of tools used and available experts are welcome.
Many thanks,
Tewabe Aysheshim




Posted by: Tewabe Wudineh <>
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Have you tried the highest rated email app?
With 4.5 stars in iTunes, the Yahoo Mail app is the highest rated email app on the market. What are you waiting for? Now you can access all your inboxes (Gmail, Outlook, AOL and more) in one place. Never delete an email again with 1000GB of free cloud storage.

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Friday, February 3, 2017

[MFP] Digital Payment Systems after Demonetization in India


Dear members,

if we can share some examples of digital payment after demonetization in India by MFIs in rural areas as well.


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