Thursday, April 24, 2014

[MFP] New Paper: The Art of the Responsible Exit in Microfinance Equity Sales


Dear All, 

I am very pleased to announce the recent release of a joint paper by CGAP and the Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion (CFI). This report analyzes how equity investors can exit responsibly from microfinance institutions in which they have invested. "The Art of the Responsible Exit in Microfinance Equity Sales" provides a framework for development-oriented investors to use in evaluating their exit options and balancing their exit tradeoffs.


Based on interviews with 50 industry experts and an analysis of six case studies of equity sales, the report explores the concept of a responsible exit along four strategic decisions: when to sell, who to sell to, with what conditions and at what price.


Many microfinance investors have committed to responsible finance principles. With equity holdings increasingly maturing, they will be facing questions of how to ensure continued responsible behavior by microfinance institutions and the healthy development of the broader market. As the practice of selling equity in microfinance institutions is still evolving, the report draws on emerging investor experiences to highlight key exit-related decision points that investors will face, rather than setting out specific guidelines.


Press Release:



We hope you enjoy this paper and that it will encourage further industry discussion on this topic!




Danielle Piskadlo, CFI 

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

[MFP] Community Based and Members Owned Microfinance/ Certificate Course offered by Coady International Institute, Canada


Dear all,

I am pleased to share this course announcement. Though the course is well-subscribed, we are still inviting women applicants and full tuition scholarships are available for a few qualifying applicants.

Thanks and with apologies for cross-posting,



Community-Based Microfinance for Financial Inclusion

Coady International Institute, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada

Apply Online Now

June 4 - 20, 2014

Facilitator: Anuj Jain and C.S. Reddy


What you can expect

Discussions are shifting from providing microcredit and microfinance to achieving financial inclusion for all. Access to appropriate financial products and services is now accepted as being crucial for enabling everyone to have sustainable livelihoods for themselves and to participate more effectively in local economies. With an estimated 2.5 billion people remaining outside the formal financial system, community-based approaches to microfinance are proving to be effective for contributing to financial inclusion goals and reaching those who are currently not served by banks or other financial institutions. These approaches not only provide access to financial services at doorstep, but they also build community institutions, strengthening solidarity and social capital. Community-based approaches to microfinance are particularly useful in remote areas and especially popular among women, though they have also proven successful in urban regions.

This certificate course aims to enhance knowledge of community-based microfinance models and approaches and build practical skills in applying them; the emphasis is placed on savings-led models such as village savings and loan associations (VSLAs), self-help groups (SHGs), caisses populaires, savings and credit cooperatives, credit unions, and other member-owned microfinance institutions from various parts of the world. These models build on individual and community savings and assets that support the local economies and form the basis for creating linkages with external financial institutions.

The course will discuss the latest developments and innovations in the field, such as the use of mobile phone banking; exploration of linkages with formal financial institutions and value-chain finance through in-depth case-studies; field visits; mutual learning among participants; and interaction with senior field practitioner guest faculty. The program balances practice and theory with the intention of strengthening the participants’ understanding of links between macro financial system and microfinance as well as providing them with practical program design and management tools.

Personal benefits

  • Understand the role of financial services in inclusive economy and the role of community-based microfinance institutions in enhancing financial inclusion and linking those institutions with formal financial institutions
  • Understanding the financial behaviour of low-income population groups to learn the principles of designing more appropriate financial products, especially savings, insurance, payment services, value-chain finance, and innovative models of community-based financing
  • Obtain an in-depth understanding of different community-based microfinance models such as village savings and loan associations (or savings groups), self-help groups, SACCOs, and credit unions to learn about the ways in which different member-owned institutions apply cooperative principles to ensure the delivery of appropriate financial products
  • Learn about the regulations, structures, and practices for balancing flexibility and risk management in different community-based microfinance models
  • Explore real-world examples of establishing multi-tier institutions and networks, building linkages with private sector financial institutions, use of mobile banking, and opportunities and challenges of financial products delivered by agriculture coops
  • Learn about national regulatory policies and supervision structures for community-based microfinance models, and the importance of self-regulation
  • Gain valuable hands-on knowledge through visits to successful community-based microfinance institutions, interaction with leading sector practitioners, and intensive exchange with peers

Organizational benefits

  • Develop strategies for strengthening program design, management, and product design capacities in community-based microfinance programming in remote rural areas and underserved urban communities
  • Develop strategies for banks, formal microfinance institutions, and various value-chain actors to reach informal savings groups and serve them effectively
  • Enhance capacity to analyze macro policies and identify research priorities to enable families operating in the informal sector to participate more meaningfully in the economy
  • Develop approaches to integrate community-based microfinance models into strategies for improving food security, building sustainable livelihoods, enhancing women’s empowerment, and attaining broad development outcomes

Who should take the Program?

This program is intended for mid-to-senior-level practitioners from NGOs, financial cooperatives, rural finance institutions, and MFIs; for bankers interested in serving rural regions; and also for regulators and government officials, trainers, and donors engaged in financial inclusion agenda. Two years’ work experience in microfinance or in the field of economic development is desirable.



Anuj K. Jain

Sr. Coady Fellow| Microfinance and Development| COADY International Institute

St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, B2G 2W5| Ph: 902-872-0521


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[MFP] OUR DATES HAVE CHANGED! Join us for the 17th Microcredit Summit *Sept 3-5* in Merida, Mexico


Dear MFP listserv members,

I wanted to make sure that you all saw the message we sent out yesterday that our conference dates have moved up by 1 week. Here is the pertinent information to put on your calendar:

What: the 17th Microcredit Summit, focused on the theme “Generation Next: Innovations in Microfinance”

Where: the Centro de Convenciones Yucatán Siglo XXI in Merida, Mexico

When: September 3-5, 2014 (new dates!)

Who: 1000+ practitioners, investors, government agencies, and NGOs from 140+ countries

Event Hosts: the Microcredit Summit Campaign and Mexico’s Ministry of Economy’s National Microenterprise Financing Program (PRONAFIM)


We are hard at work refining the agenda and are still accepting workshop proposals for 2 more weeks (find the form here). For more information about the 17th Microcredit Summit, visit the Campaign website or email us at




Sabina ROGERS | Communications and Relationships Manager


P: +1.202.637.9600 x 128 | F: +1.202.452.9356 | S: jayaichyou |

1101 15th St NW | Suite 1200 | Washington DC, 20005

Follow the Campaign on




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Thursday, April 17, 2014

[MFP] Blog posts on 100 Million Ideas: measuring poverty


Check out these 2 blog posts on measuring poverty: who is using poverty benchmarking tools like the PPI and what is their experience implementing the survey? We invite your reactions and commentary.


Release of Grameen Foundation’s PPI® Global Use Report: Who is Measuring Poverty and How? (

By guest author Julie Peachey, director of social performance management at Grameen Foundation

Grameen Foundation believes in data-driven performance management and decision making…Today we are releasing our first Global Use Report on the PPI. In this, we name the 200+ organizations that have reported that they are using the PPI. In my opinion, what is most striking about this list is the diversity of approaches being used to help the poor. Some provide financial services, some provide healthcare, and some are multi-national corporations that recognize poverty as a risk in their supply chains, just to name a few examples…

Read more and leave your comments:


Measuring Poverty to Impact Children’s Lives: VisionFund’s Campaign Commitment (

By guest author Refilwe Mokoena, VisionFund’s Progress out of Poverty Index manager

Ensuring our [VisionFund’s] MFIs maintain a poverty focus in their operations has not been without its challenges and we continue to learn from and respond to these key lessons.  Our MFIs are currently working to integrate the PPI into operations and find increasingly efficient ways of collecting data, so as to minimize the additional workload on field staff. Similarly, as the PPI becomes part of application forms, VisionFund has had to find innovative ways of manipulating data and correlating poverty information with already existing financial data.  All this is aimed at embedding the PPI in the routine activities and systems of each MFI so that data collection, reporting and usage become part of “business as usual” throughout the network…

Read more and leave your comments:


Sabina ROGERS | Communications and Relationships Manager


P: +1.202.637.9600 x 128 | F: +1.202.452.9356 | S: jayaichyou |

1101 15th St NW | Suite 1200 | Washington DC, 20005

Follow the Campaign on




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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

[MFP] SPBD Microfinance CFO job opportunity


Dear All,


SPBD Microfinance is searching for a new Group CFO. Please see the job description below.


Kind regards,






LOCATION: Newark, NJ, United States



South Pacific Business Development (SPBD) Microfinance Network seeks an experienced and accomplished finance professional to head our finance team. The CFO is a senior position reporting directly to the CEO.


About the Organization:

Founded in 2000 and serving 30,000 families, SPBD is the leading MFI network of the South Pacific and works in the nations of Samoa, Tonga, Fiji and the Solomon Islands. We are dedicated to eradicating poverty by empowering women in poor rural villages with the opportunity to start, grow and maintain sustainable, income-generating micro-enterprises, build assets, as well as finance home improvements and childhood education. SPBD provides clients with a range of training, financial services and ongoing motivation so that they can lift themselves out of poverty.



·         Lead the financial planning, reporting, control and risk management practices of the SPBD network.

·         Develop and implement appropriate Treasury strategies.

·         Oversee the legal, regulatory and tax compliance.

·         Lead the development of business planning strategies and capital raising documents.

As a member of the network senior executive team, the position will also have a role in: MIS, New Product Development, Human Resources and Corporate Marketing.


·         MBA/MA.  A CPA or CFA is helpful.

·         Senior management experience with strong financial acumen and analytical skills.

·         Excellent written and verbal communication skills. English language fluency.

·         Ability to work independently.  Strong time management and prioritization skills.  Attention to detail.

·         Fast learner in an entrepreneurial environment.

·         Commitment to SPBD values.

·         US work permit.



Please send your resume and cover letter to Greg Casagrande, CEO, SPBD Microfinance Network at  Please write “SPBD CFO Candidate” in the e-mail subject line.  No phone calls please. Due to the anticipated volume of applications, only candidates that are considered will be contacted.


START DATE: Position is open immediately. 


CLOSING DATE:  Monday, April 21st, 2014


REMUNERATION: Salary, incentive pay and benefits are provided and are commensurate with experience.  




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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

[MFP] SMDP New Hampshire Certificate 2014 - registration is Open


SMDP New Hampshire Certificate 2014 -


This is the 16th year we have offered a microfinance practitioner workshop in New Hampshire. The Sustainable Microenterprise and Development Program (SMDP) New Hampshire Certificate will be held on campus at the University of New Hampshire and is sponsored by the Carsey Institute. The SMDP is designed for practitioners who are interested in expanding their knowledge of the fundamentals of microfinance, microenterprise development and sustainable community economic development.

The SMDP NH Certificate will feature faculty and speakers who are leaders in the microfinance, community economic development and related fields including Malcolm Harper, Candace Nelson, Jan Maes, Jeff Ashe, Vinod Parmeshwar, Joyce Lehman, Chuck Waterfield, Daryl Collins, Megan Gash and others. 

The SMDP NH Certificate begins with a Principles of Microfinance Precourse – This is a self-paced backgrounder on the history, key methodologies and design elements of microfinance. The pre-course will be moderated by Dr. Malcolm Harper and begins one month before the face-to-face workshop in Durham.

SMDP NH Certificate Topics

             Introduction to Livelihoods: the 5 capitals – natural, physical, human, social, and financial;

             The Role that Financial Services Play in Economic Development

             Overview to Financial Ecosystem:  Core (supply/demand) and Supporting Functions

             Financial Inclusion in 21st Century:  The new goal

             A Focus on Clients: How the Poor Manage their Money

             Evolution of Microfinance

             Community-based microfinance and Savings groups

             Reaching the Very Poor

             Branchless banking and the Digital Revolution

             Microfinance Transparency and Social Performance Standards and Financial Education

             Social Enterprise and the Social Entrepreneurs

             Introduction to Value Chain Development and Agricultural Value Development and Finance in Sub-Saharan  Africa

             Linking global climate and economic trends to the fate of local farmers and fishers: A food systems approach.

             Exeter New Hampshire – A case study on municipal planning for climate change impacts, public participation, stakeholder engagement.

             Microenterprise development in the United States


Field Visits

Sustainable Agricultural Development Field visits

             Stonyfield Farms Yogurt Company, Derry, NH

             Tour of Brookford Farm - a large family operated sustainable agriculture farm.

             New Hampshire Community Loan Fund, Concord, NH

             Women's Rural Entrepreneurship Network (WREN) Bethlehem, NH.

             Berlin Farmers Market, Berlin, NH

             Historic seaport Portsmouth, NH

             White Mountains, Bretton Woods - Home of the IMF and World Bank;, waterfalls, vistas, a picnic and fun!


The MasterCard Foundation Microfinance Scholars Program Opportunity

We will award several MasterCard Foundation Microfinance Scholars Program scholarships through a competitive application process. Applicants are expected to contribute full travel costs and up to $1,000 towards program costs. Please read the MasterCard Foundation eligibility criteria and complete the application located on the SMDP Certificate NH Registration Page [link].

The SMDP-New Hampshire Certificate MasterCard Foundation Scholarship application deadline is May 2, 2014.


Optional Academic Credit

SMDP NH Certificate students may be able to earn Masters-level academic credit for participation in the SMDP. The usual UNH summer tuition fees will apply, and academic credit students will be required to complete additional assessment assignments. If you are interested in earning academic credit, please contact the SMDP NH Certificate Coordinator William Maddocks at



Register today at

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[MFP] Read our latest release: Breaking the ICE: The role of insurance associations in insurance consumer education


The ILO's Microinsurance Innovation Facility has recently released a new Microinsurance Paper titled 'Breaking the ICE: The role of insurance associations in insurance consumer education'.

In the last decade, some insurance associations (IAs) have expanded beyond their traditional core functions to develop insurance consumer education (ICE) programmes. Authored by A. Dalal and C. Fonseca, Microinsurance Paper #31 discusses the steps that should be taken during the preparation of an ICE. Based on a review of the experiences of IAs in five countries, namely Brazil, Colombia, Kenya, Mexico and South Africa, these steps include assigning responsibility internally, defining funding mechanisms, setting clear goals, defining the programme target and identifying partnership opportunities. It goes on to summarize key lessons for IAs on content, delivery and monitoring and evaluation. 

Read the full paper:

Please feel free to share this paper with others.

Best regards,
ILO's Microinsurance Innovation Facility

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Re: [MFP] FW: [se-mf] QUERY: Study of Financial Cooperatives in context offinancial inclusion in India - Advice; referrals. Reply by 16 April 2014


Fair comment, Anuj, I stand corrected, but the broader national failings remain critical; so long as members lack the education and status to defend themselves against politicians, to get better politicians, to become politicians themselves in large numbers, they will remain dependent on well-meaning spectators such as ourselves;
From: Anuj Jain
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2014 11:05 AM
Subject: RE: [MFP] FW: [se-mf] QUERY: Study of Financial Cooperatives in context offinancial inclusion in India - Advice; referrals. Reply by 16 April 2014

Dear Malcolm,

Misuse is possible due to weak legislation and I beg to differ with you on this regulation issue.  Contradictory and multiple regulatory provisions, combined with the fact that those provisions allow bureaucrats and politicians to interfere and control such institutions is one of the key reasons for less than optimal performance of financial coops in India. As you would know, there have been recent attempts to get progressive coop act(s) repealed in several States to sneak-in the control by the politicians.  Several Cooperators are fighting this in the court and on the ground.

Interestingly, here is what WOCCU says on the first page of its regulations and supervision guide book:

Core Principles Underlying Credit Union Supervision

• Credit unions are private sector organizations and should operate free of government interference with management.

• The appropriate role of government vis-à-vis credit unions is that of legislator, regulator and prudential supervisor.

• Credit unions should be supervised by a government agency responsible for the financial sector.

WOCCU Regulation and Supervision Guidelines

As I have learnt in recent years,  Coops are not public institutions though we often confuse them to be. They are as private as any private sector bank. As Prof Sriram explained to us in our class; the key difference is of 'supremacy of member/ user in a Coop' as opposed to 'supremacy of capital in a Bank'. Otherwise, Coop banks must also run prudently and profitably, appropriately supervised by a Banking/ finance department. 

For example, Credit Unions in Canada are supervised and regulated by a Superintendent's office under Finance Minister of respective Provinces; and follow very stringent, financially prudent provisions and reporting requirements. Canada has the highest per-capita credit union membership in the world: 33 per cent of Canadians are a member of at least one credit union. Facts and Figures for Canadian Credit Unions/ CCA site

Rishabh' s mail below asserts that:  "Indian financial cooperative system is complex in nature but it is the largest financial cooperative system in the world, in terms of people served. Together, the urban sector, three tiered short-term rural sector and credit societies serve an estimated 267 to 390 million people. This compares to the second largest financial cooperative movement in the world in China which serves approximately 200 million people (Dave Grace, WOCCU, 2008). In India, a variety of successful initiatives adopting innovative models of micro financing through cooperatives have been undertaken."

If we add 110 million women being members of SHGs, in India; then the cooperative/ collective way of accessing financial services is perhaps not as small as one may think. Good, bad or ugly; coop sector is certainly not seem to be on the fringe.

I also think that for the analysis sake, we may pitch the debate as 'private v/s cooperative'; but overall, they can and should be able to coexist; and allowed/ regulated to have their fair spaces to compete. Let the consumers choose! Robust regulations seem to be important ingredient for the success of Credit Union sector. And as we shift our thinking from microfinance to financial inclusion, credit unions and coops banks would perhaps play an important role, especially at a time when privately capitalised banks have lost some of their credibility in recent years. Coops, as Banks, will also fail but that does not reduce their legitimacy or role, I think.

Thanks Malcolm, and over to you Cooperative experts in the group! I must admit that I am still learning about the global coop finance movement.

Best regards,


From: [] On Behalf Of Malcolm Harper
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: [MFP] FW: [se-mf] QUERY: Study of Financial Cooperatives in context offinancial inclusion in India - Advice; referrals. Reply by 16 April 2014


Thanks Anuj, for leading us to this interesting exchange.

In principle, of course customer ownership, cooperative, community control, the label does not matter, is the best form of ownership for a consumer financial institution of any kind, particularly one which serves poor people. It can access its money from deposits by the same people who need to borrow, and its profits can go back to those same people.

But, most microfinance is provided by private for-profit institutions, or by government controlled ones, and the same applies to financial services everywhere, those which I use here in the UK, and in the USA, most of continental Europe; they are provided by for-profit businesses.

There are some notable exceptions, but they are in the minority, and even long-established community-owned banks are not immune from problems; the UK's only major Cooperative Bank is bust through gross mismanagement, and a fair number even of Germany's wonderful 'Peoples Banks' got into trouble in the financial crisis.

But I'd suggest that the problems of India's cooperative financial institutions, of whatever kind, are not a matter of regulation, and not likely to be addressed by further 'studies'. Politicians have to stop interfering, and the members have to have some basic education.  India's state education system dramatically fails to educate the mass of its people, and it's political system allows and encourages political misuse and manipulation of local institutions. Until these problems are fixed, and I fear that decent education is the key to both of them, cooperative finance will remain on the fringe.


From: Anuj Jain

Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 2:06 PM

Subject: [MFP] FW: [se-mf] QUERY: Study of Financial Cooperatives in context offinancial inclusion in India - Advice; referrals. Reply by 16 April 2014


This is an interesting and useful conversation happening in India on Coop /Banks, coordinated by Solutions Exchange (housed within UN).

In the course of offering this subject in our certificate program at Coady, one thing has emerged strongly. Strong regulations and supervision are essential for credit unions and coop banks to flourish. CUs have flourished in Germany, Canada, Ireland… and one of the reason for their success is strong regulation and supervision.

As my cofacilitator, CS Reddy often says, poor people do not need poor institutions, they need strong financial institutions too. Jayshree Vyas of SEWA Bank often highlights how it is indeed possible for a Board of illiterate women to be highly effective and make prudent policy decision for the Bank.

I know I am among many stalwarts of Coop movement, so won't say much more.  I am pleased to share this post though, with apologies in advance for cross-posting.



From: Navin Anand []
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 5:50 AM
Subject: Re: [se-mf] QUERY: Study of Financial Cooperatives in context of financial inclusion in India - Advice; referrals. Reply by 16 April 2014

Moderators Note: Dear members, we are happy to post the first response on the query. We request our members, especially those who represent cooperative sector, to share their views on the need of the study and also on its methodology, coverage of different cooperatives and aspects to be c overed under the study. 

Dear Members,

Thanks to Mr. Rishabh Sood for initiating a discussion on financial Cooperatives.  In India, financial cooperatives have been playing a vital role in context of financial inclusion since 1904 and even before. Initially, it was more in rural areas through District cooperative banks and Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies. Gradually, urban cooperative banks and thrif t and credit cooperatives started contributing for the financial inclusion in the country focusing on urban areas. After introduction of Mutually Aided Cooperative Societies Act popularly known as Self-Reliant Cooperative Act, the scenario of financial cooperatives was further widened.  In the present context, the national and state level scenario of financial cooperatives is quite complex and there is no single source to get information about the status of financial cooperatives in India. Hence, it is pertinent to have a national wide study to know the status of financial cooperatives in In dia.

In the  last two decades, there have been several developments in the cooperative sector such as - Emergence of Model Cooperatives Societies Act; Enactment of MACS / Self Reliant Cooperative Societies Acts in different states; Re-engineering of old Cooperative Societies Acts through Amendments in provisions; Reduction in the Government's equity and their controls; Application of Revival package for Rural Cooperative Credit Institutions ( Vaidyanathan Committee recomme ndations); Legal reforms/amendments in cooperative credit structure/societies as a result of acceptance of revival package of Short term Cooperative Credit Structure; Putting up of 106th Constitutional Amendment Bill (2006) in the Parliament suggesting states to promote "voluntary formation, autonomous functioning, democratic control & professional management "of the cooperatives societies and approval of the Union Cabinet for introduction of the Multi-State Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Bill, 2010 in the Parliament. The recent development in the cooperative scenario was that two state governments - MP and Odisha repealed the liberal cooperative laws in their states. In the context of 97th Constitutional Amendment, liberal cooperative laws that are existing in several states are either amended or deemed to be amended to be in line with the 97th Amendment.

In terms of adoption and implementation of cooperative Acts, the existing legal scenario in different states can be classified into four categories –

·         States having Self Reliant as well as the old Cooperative Societies Act 

·         States having only Self Reliant Act

·         States having re-engineered Single Cooperative Societies Act 

·      ;    States having more or less the same old Act

Observations and suggestions about the study: Possible Sample Frame

Keeping in view the complex scenario of the financial cooperatives in India, it is difficult to come out with a simple sample frame for the study. In terms of sample frame, following could be some options to classify and select samples organisations for the study:

·         Multi-purpose cooperatives/ Thrift and credit cooperatives functioning as federation of SHGs : In context of financial inclusion, the most important  sample of the study could be - various SHG Federations registered under cooperative Acts. The study  of such federations is important to know the suitability of co operative Acts as an appropriate legal entity for the federations that are functioning as financial intermediaries or financial as well as non-financial intermediaries. Here, it will be important to analyse the Acts, rules and regulations, and Byelaws of various financial/ Multi-purpose cooperatives in terms of their suitability for the growth and sustainability of the federation. Secondly, it can be seen from the business point of view - Whether, financial cooperatives provides scope to opt for providing range of products and services to the members.

·         Cooperative banks  registered under traditional cooperative Acts at the rural levels : The second type of financial cooperatives to be studied could include -  State cooperative Banks, State Agriculture and rural development Banks, Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank (PCARDBs), District cooperative Banks having special focus on Micro financing and functioning as Self-Help Promotion Institution. 

·         Urban Cooperative Banks registered under traditional Acts or Self-Reliant Cooperative Acts or Multistate cooperative Societies Act – Urban cooperative Banks (all women as well as general) working in a particular state with focus on financial inclusion can be good samples for the study. A variety of such banks could be - all women urban cooperative banks ( i.e. SEWA Bank), urban cooperative banks working beyond one state ( i.e. Cosmos Bank, Saraswat Bank), urban cooperative banks having innovative products/ mechanism to deliver services (i.e. Cuttack Urban Cooperative Bank)


·         Rural/Urban Thrift and Credit Cooperatives - There are example of thrift and credit cooperatives that functions directly with the members to provide financial services directly to the members. There are possibilities of SHGs also associated with such cooperatives, however these cooperatives are  not functioning as SHG federations. Such cooperatives can also be taken up under the study.

·         Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies -  Some of the Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies  that are functioning as SHPIs and catering to the needs of the poor also needs to be covered under the study. These primary societies are also engaged in creating and strengthening SHGs. Some PACS are functioning as Business Correspondents. It will be useful to study selected PACS that are contributing for the financial inclusion.

·         Women Cooperative Banks – There are examples of several new age women banks such as Mann Deshi Mahila Sahakari Bank (MDMSB), Bhagini Nivedita Sahakari Bank Limited, Pune that are registered under Multi State Cooperative Societies Act and contributing to financial inclusion initiative. Selected banks can be studied to understand the financial inclusion aspects and product and services being offered by these banks. 

Under the study, it will be good to understand the existing financial cooperative system in context of financial inclusion. While a macro level analysis of the regulatory and management scenario of  financial cooperatives and support available from various sources including NABARD and Government of India/state governments is useful, micro level analysis of various cooperatives in terms of their products and services, delivery mechanism, coverage in term of inclusion has its own  importance to know the success factors and gaps that are existing in the value chains.

Besides cooperative  Banks, some of the cooperatives that are worth studying may include:

·         Al-Khair Cooperative Credit Society, Patna (A cooperative model of 'Interest-free' Micro financing) ;

·         Annapurna Mahila Cooperative Credit Society, Mumbai; (A successful women thrift and credit coop.)

·         Rawain Women's Multipurpose Autonomous Cooperative Society Ltd. (RWMACS), Uttarkashi (promoted by Himalayan Action Research Centre, Uttarakhand)

·         Marwar Sharia Co-operative Credit and Savings Society, Jodhpur (A thrift and credit cooperative of minorities established by the Marwar Muslim Educational and Welfare Society) ;

·         Indian Cooperative Network for Women (promoted by Working Women's Forum), Chennai (A unique multipurpose women cooperative registered under multi state cooperative Societies Act, 1984) ;

·         Ankuram Sangamam Poram, Hyderabad

There are very few financial cooperatives that are activity specific such as  National Insurance Vimosewa Cooperative Ltd. This is a society registered under Multi State Cooperative Societies Act and promoted by SEWA Ahmedabad. Study of such cooperatives can also add value in various terms especially in terms of knowing aspects of  sustainability of these cooperatives and effectiveness of services provided by such institutions.  

While sketching the methodology of the study, it will be good to cover different geographies as the cost of delivery in mountain and remote areas and business volume is always different compared to other areas.

These are my initial remarks on the study.


Navin Anand
Microfinance Community, Solution Exchange
United Nations, New Delhi

From: Rishabh Sood []
Sent: 03 April 2014 10:17
Subject: [se-mf] QUERY: Study of Financial Cooperatives in context of financial inclusion in India - Advice; referrals. Reply by 16 April 2014

Moderators Note: Dear members, we are h appy to initiate a query that focuses on  the need of studying financial cooperative system of India and documenting successful financial cooperatives in context of financial inclusion. The query seeks your inputs and feedback on the framework of the study, methodology, sample frame and areas/issues that needs to be covered in the study. The current query also seeks your suggestions on various types and level  of financial cooperatives/banks that can be taken up under the study. Your inputs on the names and contact details of the successful financial cooperatives are also required so that case studies of such institutions can be taken by under the study. We profusely thank Mr. Rishabh Sood, Rabo India Finance, Gurgaon for initiating this query. We look forward to your valuable inputs.

Dear members,

The importance of financial cooperatives in the world of financial services cannot be underestimated. They are the most widespread type of cooperatives – an estimated 950,000 of them serving over 850 million people, i.e., 13 percent of the world's population.1 In Europe alone there are 4200 local cooperative banks, around 60,000 branches that account for 20 per cent mark et share. The banks serve 45 million members and 159 million customers.2 In the context of inclusive development, cooperatives are critical institutions for both social and financial inclusion. Whereas the social inclusion issue is addressed by sub-sectoral and service cooperatives, savings and credit cooperatives function as inclusive financial intermediaries. Cooperatives play a significant role in the provision of microfinance services to the poor, globally. They reach out to close to 80 million people living below $2 a day.

As per ILO publication " ;Resilience of cooperative Business Model in Times of Crisis" - Saving and Credit cooperatives also known as credit unions or SACCOs, building societies and cooperative banks all over the world are reporting that they are still financial sound, and that customers are flocking to bank with them because they are highly trusted.

It is a fact that financial cooperatives including Credit Unions are the first and original microfinance institutions in the world. The present financial cooperatives existing in the form of credit unions, thrift and credit cooperatives, Primary Agriculture Credit Cooperatives (PACS), rural and urban cooperative banks etc. are in one way or the other  based on the lessons drawn from the well-k nown models promoted by Raiffeisen, Shultze – Delitzsch, Dr. Wollemborg, Desjardins and Rochdale pioneers.

Indian financial cooperative system is complex in nature but it is the largest financial cooperative system in the world, in terms of people served. Together, the urban sector, three tiered short-term rural sector and credit societies serve an estimated 267 to 390 million people. This compares to the second largest financial cooperative movement in the world in China which serves approximately 200 million people (Dave Grace, WOCCU, 2008). In India, a variety of successful initiatives adopting innovative models of micro financing through cooperatives have been undertaken. Few well-known models of micro financing through cooperatives are - Cooperative Development Foundation (CDF Model), SEWA BANK (Urban Cooperative Bank promoted and owned by Women), Cuttack Urban Cooperative Bank (Urban microfinance model), Bidar DCCB (SHG Linkage Model), Karnataka  and other successful PACS-SHG linkage models in different states. Besides these models, a variety of SHG-federations have also emerged at various levels with a legal entity of cooperatives undertaking financial services, non-financial services or both. 

On various forums, including Microfinance India Summit 2013, it is being realised that there is a need to do an i n-depth study of  financial cooperatives in India to - identify the regulatory gaps that are existing in different cooperative Acts in context of financial inclusion; Document the successful financial cooperatives including Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies (PACS), Cooperatives functioning as federations of SHGs and also cooperative Banks (traditional as well as new age); and also to analyse the value chains of various microfinance services (savings, credit, insurance/micro-pensions, remittances and Micro leasing) as well as financial management and governance related issues of cooperatives.

With this background, we request the members of Microfinance Community of Practice to share their views and suggestions on:

·         Need of studying financial cooperative system and documenting successful financial cooperatives in context of financial inclusion – Key aspects to be covered in the study

·         Term s of Reference of the study – Study Framework, methodology, Sample frame, coverage, areas/issues of study

·         Various types and level  of financial cooperatives/banks that can be taken up under the study – Examples of some successful financial cooperatives

Your inputs and suggestions will not only confi rm the need of taking up a national level study but also help in developing Terms of Reference for the study.

Looking forward to your valuable inputs,

Rishabh Sood

Rabo India Finance


1 Report of Secretary General, United Nations on 'Cooperatives in Social Development', 13 July, 2009 (

2 De Vries B ( 2009) European Cooperative Banks in financial and economic turmoil, Paper for the UN Expert Group Meeting on Cooperatives , April, New York

1 Report of Secretary General, United Nations on 'Cooperatives in Social Development', 13 July, 2009 (

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