Sustainable Microenterprise and Development Program (SMDP) Tanzania 2013
November 11-22, 2013 Arusha, Tanzania
OCTOBER 4, 2013
The SMDP Tanzania returns to Arusha for the third year with an emphasis on savings groups, value chain development and agricultural finance. Interest in Savings Groups is spreading beyond traditional development finance oriented NGOs to a wide range of facilitating agencies from religious and health organizations to agriculture and relief agencies. For the past seven years the SMDP has been the leader in Savings Groups training workshops on the African continent training more than 350 practitioners and our faculty are leading researchers and practitioners in the Savings Groups field. We will offer two tracks and four courses devoted to the most current savings groups programme development, management, monitoring and post-project SG models and innovative cases. Class sessions will challenge your assumptions and introduce new ways to approach savings groups programming. Field visits will enhance classroom learning and give participants a chance to see high performing savings groups in action.
SMDP Tanzania 2013 Savings Groups Courses
* Savings Groups: Programme Design and Implementation Management
* Savings Groups: Management Information Systems
* Post-Project Challenges and Opportunities for Savings Groups
* Evolution of SGs Post-Project: Analysis of Case Studies
Value Chain Development and Making Markets Work for the Poor are important strategies to help break down barriers of access to market opportunities for agricultural small holders and other low income producers. The SMDP Tanzania will bring together two expert practitioner/facilitators in the field of market development and agricultural finance to lead a highly participatory two week track which will encompass online learning, classroom sessions and field visits. Both in-class courses will include field visits featuring several market players in the local coffee value chain to explore the application of market research to program design and agricultural finance from the practical market opportunity perspective and with the aim of creating sustainable livelihoods for the communities we serve. These courses should be taken together and participants in the two week track will earn a SMDP Certificate in ProPoor Value Chain Development and Agriculture Finance.
* SMDP Tanzania 2013 Value Chain Development and Agricultural Finance Courses
* Pro-Poor Enterprise and Value Chain Development (PPEVCD)
* Practical Skills for Agricultural Value Chain Financing
World Café, Morning Plenary Sessions and Evening Climate Change Action Workshop
We will open the SMDP Tanzania 2013 with a World Café which will ask questions that matter about our vital development work. Each week the SMDP Tanzania will offer morning plenary sessions which will introduce new thinking, trends and innovation in the development finance field. Recognizing the mounting challenges the impacts of climate change are having on the developing world we will offer the "End of The World As We Know It" evening workshop facilitated by SMDP faculty member and Climate Reality Project educator Paul Rippey. This two night session will present the latest data on climate change and engage participants to design their own mitigation and adaptation strategies for their communities.
The SMDP Tanzania will be held at the Snowcrest Hotel in Arusha. The Snowcrest features spectacular, contemporary architecture, sophisticated extensive interiors - and the largest most advanced conference facilities in Arusha, Northern Tanzania. Arusha city is the safari base of the world renowned "Northern tourist circuit" that includes Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Meru, Serengeti National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, the Ngorongoro Crater (commonly known as the eighth wonder of the world), Tarangire National Park, and Arusha National Park to mention just a few.
Faculty for the SMDP Tanzania 2013 will include Hugh Allen, Andrew Mnjama, Ann Gordon, Richard Pelrine, Paul Rippey and Courtney O'Connell. See the Faculty Bio page for full biographies.
We are pleased to be able to offer a number of full and partial scholarships from the MasterCard Foundation Microfinance Scholars Program for African women practitioners. A limited amount of travel funds will also be available. Please refer to the Registration and
Cost page for full application details.
Who should attend?
* CEOs
* Operations Managers
* Field Supervisors of NGOs or federations that build village-based MFIs
* Program Officers
* Credit/field Officers
* Business Development Officers
* Church Development Directors
* Staff of savings group programs who have the authority to decide about linkages and inviting other service providers to have access to their groups, or who have broad authority in implementing projects for results
* Agricultural development professionals
* Rural development professionals
* Other service providers and development professionals who are interested in the possibility of efficiently extending outreach by working through savings groups
For more information on the SMDP Tanzania please visit our web site:
Or apply now at this link:
Testimonials from Past SMDP workshops:
"The microfinance sector across Africa has limited experience targeting small holder farmers. However, Rich's vast experience in agricultural value chain financing, provide a theoretical framework and strong quantitative financial tools for MFIs, banks and NGOs looking to target this important market segment."
"Training by experts in the field for those in the field." It doesn't get better! Well done guys!"
"I have managed VSLA projects but lacked the in depth understanding of the concept, methodology and approach. I was also not well conversant with the Excel version of the MIS less a say the web based system. After the training, I can now operate the two versions effectively and supervise groups."
"This program has changed my perspective of microfinance as mainly a profit based business but also as a tool of managing the inequalities of development".
"I have found the SMDP programs very useful and remarkable to my life. As a female practitioner in VSLA who have little knowledge on what I was doing I have been equipped with skills that will see me perfecting my work. Through the knowledge on MIS that I have gained I will be able to monitor the performance of our VSLA groups and make informed decisions on improving their performance."
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