Tuesday, April 30, 2013

[MFP] CGAP Newsflash: Financial Inclusion Data Portal


CGAP Newsflash: Financial Inclusion Data Portal

The Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) Data and Meausrement Sub-Group, along with its implementing partners AFI, CGAP, IFC and the World Bank, officially launched the G20 Basic Set of Financial Inclusion Indicators during the recently held 2013 Spring Meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. The Basic Set, endorsed by the G20 Leaders, provides a comprehensive framework for measuring the state of financial inclusion. An interactive website featuring the Basic Set data provides financial inclusion indicator data for 192 countries.

Read more about the Basic Set and GPFI data portal at CGAP.org, then visit WorldBank.org to visualize the financial inclusion indicators.



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Saturday, April 27, 2013

RE: [MFP] Four recommendations for learning from clients




'Too many cooks in the kitchen,' warns MDG co-architect

By Richard Jones on 26 April 2013


"The post-MDG framework runs the risk of underachieving because "there are too many cooks in the kitchen this time around," according to Jan Vandemoortele, one of the co-architects of the Millennium Development Goals.

While confident that the implementation of a framework "can and will be done," Vandemoortele told Devex that he feared it would look like a "badly decorated Christmas tree" that no one wants to get too close to.

With over 30 years of experience at various United Nations bodies and as director of the Poverty Group at the U.N. Development Program between 2001 and 2005, Vandemoortele cautioned that the "clock is ticking" to achieve the MDGs currently on the table.

Looking ahead, the advisor to the U.N. Secretary-General and the Dutch secretary for development cooperation stressed the need for the international community to "keep its promises" while "listening more" and avoiding a "donor-centric approach."


A promise is a promise — we made that promise and we're not keeping it.

Whether we keep the promise or not, the mistake we make is that it has little or no relevance for achieving the MDGs. And that's a very donor-centric misunderstanding.


Many of the southern partners are skeptical because they perceive that [we are] trying to defend the old narrative when we were rulers of the world. We have to accept — in all humility — that perhaps this time around, it's time to listen a bit more.



These are the moments in history where you need leadership that is way above average. The easy way out is to say "we can't do it, it's impossible," but that's when we need leaders who can say "we will put a man on the Moon by the end of the decade."

I don't see that leadership within the EU constellation and I'm afraid that man is not going to be on the Moon any time soon.

International Development CommitteeWritten evidence submitted by The Church of England and Public Affairs Council



"The post-MDG agenda should not be defined by a group of experts and technocrats working behind closed doors in a way that leaves unchallenged the donor centric model of development; "

"The new framework needs to challenge the existing donor centric model of development by recognising that ODA, while important, is not the only source of external finance and that external finance is not all there is to human development and well-being;"

 Normand Arsenault

From: MicrofinancePractice@yahoogroups.com [mailto:MicrofinancePractice@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of NORMAND ARSENAULT
Sent: 12 avril 2013 05:46
To: MicrofinancePractice YahooGroups
Subject: RE: [MFP] Four recommendations for learning from clients


Going from donor-centricity to client-centricity would be a real revolution!
How can donors and NGOs put providers at the center of the operational model?
How can donors and NGOs  have provider-centricity baked into their systems, operations, and human resources?
Normand Arsenault



From: MicrofinancePractice@yahoogroups.com [mailto:MicrofinancePractice@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of cgap@worldbank.org
Sent: 4 avril 2013 09:14
To: MicrofinancePractice@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [MFP] Four recommendations for learning from clients

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

[MFP] CGAP Newsflash: Latest Publications from CGAP



CGAP Newsflash: Latest Publications from CGAP

Make sure you didn't miss any of these latest CGAP publications:

Trends in Sharia-Compliant Financial Inclusion
Mayada El-Zoghbi and Michael Tarazi
March 2013
With an estimated 650 million Muslims living on less than $2 a day, finding sustainable Islamic models could be the key to providing financial access to millions of Muslim poor who strive to avoid financial products that do not comply with Sharia (Islamic law).

Regulatory Options to Curb Debt Stress
Gabriel Davel
March 2013
Debt stress and over-indebtedness pose risks to credit market development as well as to consumer protection—risks that require a specific regulatory and policy approach.

Current Trends in Cross-Border Funding for Microfinance
Estelle Lahaye and Ralitsa Rizvanolli
December 2012
In 2011, cross-border funders committed at least $25 billion to microfinance or financial services for the poor.

A Guide to Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance
Robert Peck Christen, Kate Lauer, Timothy Lyman, and Richard Rosenberg
October 2012
This Guide updates CGAP's 2003 Guiding Principles on Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance. The revisions reflect continuing developments in the global state of financial access for poor and low-income customers.

To browse more CGAP publications, go to the Publications page on cgap.org.



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Monday, April 22, 2013

RE: [MFP] MicroRate White paper- MFI Tier Definitions


Dear Srinivasan,


Thank you for your comments.  We look forward to an on-going dialogue on MFI tier definitions in order to find the appropriate metrics to classify MFIs in a meaningful, yet practical manner.


In developing this tier system, we saw it as a first step in moving the industry towards greater consensus around more precise definitions. While we were able to get valuable feedback from different individuals prior to publishing this paper, we remain open to hearing additional commentary to further refine these definitions.   


If you or others have additional feedback on this tier system, please feel free to contact me (becca@microrate.com).


Best regards,



Rebecca Spradlin
VP of Programs | MicroRate Inc.
becca@microrate.com | www.microrate.com
1.703.243.5340 ext. 12 | becca.waskey (skype)



From: MicrofinancePractice@yahoogroups.com [mailto:MicrofinancePractice@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of N. Srinivasan
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 11:43 PM
To: MicrofinancePractice@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [MFP] MicroRate White paper- MFI Tier Definitions


Dear Becca

Thanks for this white paper.  The aspects relating to size and transparency need more detailed attention.  Size in terms of number of customers served is an important consideration - not just the financial volumes.  Neither supervision nor audit ensure transparency.  Transparency is not an objectively determinable factor.  It should be defined differently (extent of information put out in public domain, level of participation of different stakeholders in the processes of the MFI and the effort taken to make customers aware of the products and services availed from the MFI).  Pricing transparency is one of the aspects that could be considered. 

More work needs to be done on this before we can conclude that 'three simple, objective indicators that, together, act as proxies for MFI maturity'




From: Becca Spradlin <becca@microrate.com>
To: MicrofinancePractice@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, 18 April 2013 10:21 PM
Subject: [MFP] MicroRate White paper- MFI Tier Definitions



Dear Colleagues,


MicroRate has just released a white paper defining MFI tiers.  To download this paper, go to: http://www.microrate.com/downloads/86 .


Historically, the microfinance industry referenced a system of three or four "tiers" to differentiate between MFI types.  However, previous tier definitions – often vague or based only on one indicator such as size – failed to adequately capture an MFI's level of institutional development.


The tier system proposed is based on a three-tier structure that applies three simple, objective indicators that, together, act as proxies for MFI maturity. The three indicators are sustainability (return on assets, RoA), size (total assets in U.S. dollars) and transparency (level of regulation/reporting).


MicroRate is grateful to all of those who provided feedback on this tier system.  In particular, the e-MFP Action Group of Investors in Tier 2/3 MFIs  was very supportive in giving feedback and helping to disseminate this work. 


Best regards,

Becca Spradlin


Rebecca Spradlin
VP of Programs | MicroRate Inc.
becca@microrate.com | www.microrate.com
1.703.243.5340 ext. 12 | becca.waskey (skype)




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Saturday, April 20, 2013

RE: [MFP] Four recommendations for learning from clients


How do you learn?
Do you ever wonder why some people are known as "straight A students" while other people struggle in school - even though they're smart?
Do you know people who didn't finish high school, and have found great success in their careers?

People learn in different ways. And no one has a better learning style than anyone else. Some experts say there are as many as seven different learning styles; but it's easier to narrow it down to three types of learning :

1.    Listening (auditory) learners

2.    Seeing (visual) learners
3.    Touch/experience (kinesthetic or tactile) learners

If a touch/experience learner had to do a task they would buy the materials and get started. They don't read instructions or ask any questions. Kinesthetic learners learn best by doing. They learn by moving and touching. They solve problems by physically working through them. They like to try new things and they can be your best allies for change management in an organization. Unfortunately, our education system does not serve them well.

Developing sensitivity to differing people learning styles can help in designing learning delivery methods. From my experience, people in developing countries have learning styles that may differ from those in developed countries. "Do we learn in different ways? could be an important question.

Normand Arsenault



Cultural Learning Styles

Author: Al Heredia, 1999


"Where does the incongruity between learning styles of minority students and traditional classroom practice originate? According to a New York State Board of Regents' report on learning styles, the traditional school curriculum follows a "linear, step-by-step approach to learning" (Martel, 1998). Ogbu (1988) states that the traditional curriculum reflects "the middle class cultural values, beliefs, and norms of schools." Such an approach focuses on linguistic and quantitative strengths. It limits learning by limiting instructional strategies that can successfully address student learning styles. The conclusion for researchers is that students of color who fail academically do so because of their differences in learning style when compared to mainstream students (Irvine and York, 1995)."

Learning Styles of African American Children: A Review of the Literature and Interventions

Madge Gill Willis1


"A review of theories, research, and models of the learning styles of Black children reveals that Black children generally learn in ways characterized by factors of social/affective emphases, harmony, holistic perspectives, expressive creativity, and nonverbal communication. Underlying these approaches are assumptions that Black Americans (African Americans) have been strongly influenced by their African heritage and culture, and that Black children's learning styles are different-but not deficient. Implications for interventions include recommendations for instructional interventions, curriculum organization, assessment, and suggestions for future research."

How do you learn?


What's YOUR Learning Style?


Three Different Learning Styles


Understanding and Identifying Auditory, Visual and Kinesthetic  Learning Styles


Helping Kinesthetic Learners Succeed

The Classroom Mosaic: Culture and Learning



Ali Carr-Chellman: Gaming to re-engage boys in learning


Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution!


Sir Ken Robinson - Leading a Learning Revolution


TED Talk on Learning in India


Diana Laufenberg: How to learn? From mistakes


8 talks about learning from failure



The Influences of Culture on Learning and Assessment

Learning styles across cultures
Luciano Mariani, Perspectives, a journal of TESOL-Italy, vol. XXXIV, n. 2., Fall 2007.

Does the Way We Teach Create Behavior Disorders In Culturally Different Students?

Teaching and Learning in Central Africa - Fellowship of Grace

Cultural Difference and its influence on learning


Crosscultural Differences in Learning Styles of Secondary



From: MicrofinancePractice@yahoogroups.com [mailto:MicrofinancePractice@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of cgap@worldbank.org
Sent: 4 avril 2013 09:14
To: MicrofinancePractice@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [MFP] Four recommendations for learning from clients


Client-centricity is the latest buzz word in financial inclusion. Beyond the rhetoric, financial service providers have to figure out what it takes to listen to clients continuously and to implement what they are learning in the form of better products, delivery channels, or overall customer experience. A first step for providers is analyzing the value of understanding clients and how they can incorporate what they hear in ways that yield actionable insights. Some providers have client-centricity baked into their systems, operations, and human resources. For others, it is a bigger stretch to put clients at the center of the operational model.  

With this in mind, CGAP and MicroSave have four recommendations for listening to and learning from clients:

  • Take a holistic view of the client
  • Listen to clients systematically and continuously
  • Use the right methodology
  • Integrate client understanding throughout operations

For more details, visit CGAP.org: http://cgap.org/news/how-can-institutions-listen-and-learn-their-clients 

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