Saturday, November 10, 2012

] Subject: Sustainable Microenterprise & Development Program Ghana 2012


Subject: Sustainable Microenterprise & Development Program Ghana 2012


MARCH 12 – 23, 2012

The SMDP- Ghana is an intensive training program offering critical skills for African Microfinance and Enterprise Development leaders.

Highlights include:
• Daily Plenary Sessions on the latest in sustainability and Microfinance, including mobile banking, energy development, micro-insurance , social performance , gender development & pro poor enterprise development;
• Renowned professionals leading courses ranging from one-day to a week, and participants can choose courses from different tracks;
• Field visit to "Susu" Savings Collectors, VSLA Groups, Rural Banks and other institutions; networking after returning home.

Microfinance Essential Skills – Two weeks
Topics include: Fundamentals of MF and Development, MF Policy Framework, Legal and Regulatory Framework, Commercialization; Transforming and Going Up/Down Market, Social Performance Monitoring and Management, Monitoring the Performance of Microfinance Organizations, Financial Literacy, and Agricultural MF. Field visits to microfinance organizations.

Risk Management for Microfinance Institutions – One week
Build a deeper understanding of risk and risk management strategies, identify risks and insights in threat mitigation, and learn how to develop strategies processes, and controls.

Savings Groups: Program Design & Implementation – One week
This five-day course includes theoretical background to savings groups, field visits to savings groups, exposure to training materials, simulation of savings, lending and repayment activities, and record-keeping and tools for the design and implementations of savings groups programs. This Workshop is for those ready to develop and launch of a savings groups program.

Savings Groups: Management Information Systems – One week
This five-day course covers the theory, operation and application of management information systems for Savings Groups programs, based on the latest VSL Associates MIS Software. This essential tracking software helps organizations improve performance and manage staff and donors more effectively.

Pro-Poor Enterprise Development: Advanced Topics – Two weeks
Module One: Pro Poor Enterprise and Value Chain Development Foundations 2.5 days (begins online)
Module Two: Designing and Planning PPEVCD Programs -Tools and Techniques for the Design and Planning of Innovative Programs with Sustainable Results
Module Three: Implementation Strategies for PPEVCD Programs: Effective Strategies to Integrate Producers into Lucrative Value Chains

Youth-Inclusive Financial Services - One week
Through the experiences and lessons learned of 'first mover' FSPs and YSOs, Making Cents International will facilitate a practical hands-on capacity building program for organizations looking to more effectively serve as a provider or a link to providers of youth-inclusive financial services.

A limited number of scholarships are available from the MasterCard Foundation - Scholarship Deadline February 1, 2012



"This is so far the best program I have experienced for development workers. It is effectively designed to add value and make development interventions more meaningful and rewarding for people. I would be very glad to have more opportunities to train in this program (SMDP)."

"Thank you so much for this great innovative opportunity for people who desire to bring positive change in their communities."

"The facilitator is superb. He explains practically and demonstrates real life issues."

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