Saturday, November 10, 2012

] Calling All Stakeholders: How to Prevent Over-Indebtedness


Dear fellow colleagues,

The Microfinance Gateway is pleased to announce our new Microfinance Voices article "Calling All Stakeholders: How to Prevent Over-indebtedness" is now online . 

Microfinance Voices// Calling All Stakeholders: How to Prevent Over-indebtedness 
At what point does multiple borrowing result in over-indebtedness? How do we know clients are over-indebted if they are still making payments on their loans? What role should various stakeholders, such as MFIs, investors, and governments, play in preventing over-indebtedness? While there are no easy answers, several insights did emerge during last week's virtual conference organized by CGAP, IFMR, and MicroSave.  In this Microfinance Voices, the Gateway highlights a few takeaways from the nearly 700 comments posted during the conference, and invites you to submit your own.

Read article and comment>>

Best regards,


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